Art in the Park – 2017

Last Friday was the second annual Art in the Park, located in the beautiful Simpson Garden Park. The park has many different garden areas, all full of different types of plants. I chose to set up in the Peace Garden, right next to this lovely little pond that was full of lily pads. In retrospect, I probably should have found a spot with some shade, but I’m glad I stayed there.


I ended up starting over on my piece after a while because the scope of my composition was just too big. I was much happier with the composition after I shrunk it a bit, while still keeping a lot of the different colors and textures of the plants surrounding the pond.


The main draw of Art in the Park is live musicians and artists preforming around the gardens. I had a steady stream of people that asked me questions and watched me work. Someone even snapped this picture of me pasteling away.

art in the park - Anne

Overall, the piece I completed took me about two hours to finish, which timed up well with the end of the event.  I would have liked to check out some of the other artists’ work around the park, but unfortunately I ran out of time.

I will be eagerly awaiting next year’s Art in the Park! It was a very nice opportunity to get outside and mingle with people who share my interests. Also just to enjoy the wonderful park we have.


Pastel Artwork